The Dreamers
August 13th, 2004
by Jillian
When I saw this Bernado Bertolucci directed film I had already read the Gilbert Adair book,"The Holy Innocents: A Romance", from which Adair adapted the movie. The book is now out of publication (the library works wonders). It was was spectacular and extremely interesting. The backdrop, being France during the student revolution in 1969, gave the story intense character. The love triangle between the main character, Matt, and the French twins, Isabelle and Theo, was so brilliant and innocent because Matt veiwed them as one perfect person and not two freaky, sex starved teens. The movie... a bit perverted. It was just too much nongratuitous nudity. The acting on all accounts was dynamic, however it seemed as if they were just always holed up having sex. It is such a beautiful story why ruin it with bad sex??
P.S.- Michael Pitt (Matt) does a mean version of Jimi Hendrix's "Hey Joe" on the soundtrack, which is really good!!!
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