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Screenwriting 101

Class: Writing The Screenplay 101

Meets four times for an hour each.

Students will accomplish at least ten pages, not exceeding 30 pages, of script development. Students will learn the basics of screenwriting and ascertain enough knowledge to continue writing their screenplay and finish.

First Class
Finding the Heart of your story
- Plot or Character driven, which is best?
- Cause and Effect (Characters and Plot)
- Thinking about Characters
- Fully fleshed Characters
- The Paradigms of a Story

Second Class
Screenplay Structure (This is not a discussion on simply the 3-Acts, every story has a beginning, middle, and an end or it would not be a story, and we're only interested in writing screenplays with a story.)
- What is Structure and why is it important?
- What Structure best suits your Story?
- Structure and Genre
- Classic Structure: Linear
- Types of Alternative Narrative Structure
Free Form/Concentric

Third Class
Writing your first ten pages
- The Setup: the or else scene
- Establishing genre and drama
- Connecting the Audience
- Case Studies
- Looking Ahead towards your Second and Third Acts (setups and payoffs)

Fourth Class
- Writing the Scene
- Types of Scenes
Scene Dialectics
- Ins and Outs
- Functions
- Structures
- Sequences

Instructor: Chris Wehner, editor-n-chief of Screenwriter's Monthly, author of Screenwriting on the Internet: Researching, Writing & Selling Your Script on the Web (2000) and Who Wrote That Movie? Screenwriting in Review: 2000-2002 (2003).

Classes Meet: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (LA Time) in a Chat Room.


June - 1 Offering (class Wednesday's)
Wednesday *

Once you are paid we will contact you.

Location: TBA (It will be an online chat room that is password protected, you'll get a password.)
Cost: $50.00 per student
Text: Electronic
Class max Size: 10

Note: when you order indicate which "offering" you want. If you're not sure, no worries we'll contact you.
* = potential e-class for the 4th and final class, up to instructor.

To order via credit card or paypal:

PAY BY Check/Money Order:

Please send check or money order to "Chris Wehner" at:

2139 North 12th Street
#10 Box 9010
* Grand Junction, CO 81501


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