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Cesare Zavattini

Bicycle Thief, The (1949) (USA)

This prolific Italian screenwriter ( lists over 90 credits, most Italian productions) wrote the greatest neorealism film ever made; arguably one of the greatest films of all time. Released in 1948, the movie centers on a man who must find his stolen bicycle after pawning everything the family owns to get it for his job. The storyline: Antonio Ricci, unemployed for over two years, is overjoyed when he's finally given a job hanging posters. In order to do the job he needs a bicycle. He pawns the family linen to get a pawned bicycle back. He goes off to his first day's work, truly happy for the first time in years. When his bicycle is stolen he is in a panic as he and his son frantically searche the streets of Rome. This is a simple, but very powerful film, and the relatioship between a boy and his father is especially touching. The final scene is a true captivating piece of cinema, simplistic yet real. In 1995 his "A Walk in the Clouds" was remade starring Keanu Reeves.

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