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With THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, Another Roland Emmerich Political Picture

Director Roland Emmerich is an “over-the-top” director. He’s responsible for two of the worst summer popcorn movies ever, Independence Day (1996) and Godzilla (1998). And now you can add a third, The Day After Tomorrow is possibly the worst film I’ve ever seen. It’s cheesy, predictable, laughable, and frankly made for dummies, like most of Emmerich films. But it’s not so much the quality of his latest film, or lack of, that I want to discuss.

Many scenes from The Day After Tomorrow bothered me, particularly the one showing Americans racing across the southern border as Mexican troops attempt to turn them back. Emmerich is preaching in his film, and after looking back at some of his other films, he’s been doing this for some time now.

For example, when Aliens blew up the White House in Independence Day, what are the odds that was some kind of a sick symbolic gesture Emmerich was employing? I don’t know, but consider this, he once told the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel, “I would never want to be an American.” Ironic how some foreign filmmakers come here, get rich, and yet look down on us.

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