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Script Sales For - 03/22/2001

Ehren Kruger To Rewrite TIME IS MONEY
TIME IS MONEY, a project that has been in development for
eight years since David Peoples (UNFORGIVEN, 1992)first wrote
the original draft, is on the fast track again with Pandemonium
who have brought in Ehren Kruger (IMPOSTER, 2000, SCREAM 3,
2000) to try his hand at a new draft. The script is based on
a short story by Lee Felk which first appeared in a 1975
issue of Playboy Magazine.
STORYLINE: In a future immune to sickness the world
suffers an overpopulation problem which is solved by people
working for time. The more you work, the more time you have
to live. But recreational activities, such as shopping,
spend time. A female "collector" discovers a conspiracy
to steal peoples' time and must solve the mystery before
all her time is stolen and she dies.
WRITER: Lee Felk (short story) David Peoples (original
screenplay) Ehren Kruger (rewrite)

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