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Script Sales For - 01/12/2001

AIRSHOW Takes Off At Columbia
Columbia Pictures has purchased the action script AIRSHOW from
McG and Stephanie Savage. McG directed last year's CHARLIE'S
ANGELS (2001). McG and Savage will produce and McG will direct.
Reportedly, the script will be eventually rewritten and polished.
Presumably by people who can actually write. I'm sorry but any
serious film director who calls himself "McG" is the epitome of
style over substance.
STORYLINE: Two elite fighter pilots go their seperate ways
after the Gulf War. One to United Aitlines, the other to the loony
bin. They meet again during an airshow in Chicago where they have
a showdown in the skies over the city. Yawn. At least CHARLIE'S
ANGELS had hot chicks ...
WRITERS (the term is used loosely here): McG and Stephanie

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