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Butler's Script Sale of the Week...

Another week, another war project. Although the sci-fi element of THE LOST REGIMENT may make it stand out.

What the hell is Michael Bay smoking? Remaking THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE would be like remaking The Blair Witch Project. Why? Isn't there some soulless action flick that he could be making? And Tobe Hopper really needs to move on.

Remakes should be made of films like GAMBIT and by filmmakers like the Coen brothers who are writing the
update of that 1966 Brit flick.

TOY MEN, the traveling toy salesman comedy being written by Steve Pink sounds like it could be a lot of fun - especially with Vince Vaughn on board.

Let's hope they get a great screenwriter on board for the adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke's CHILDHOOD'S END. This could be awesome.

My pick of the week is UNTITLED GUEST/LEVY/SHEARER/MCKEAN COMEDY that Warner Bros. picked up.

For the uninitiated that's comedy veterans Christopher Guest, Harry Shearer, Michael McKean, and Eugene Levy who have all collaborated on a script that highlights a memorial folk concert put together by three folk bands after a legendary folk manager dies.

I swear to God I'm already laughing. Guest, Shearer, and McKean are, of course, the holy writing/acting/songwriting/performing trinity known as Spinal Tap. And Levy, probably (unfortunately) is most well known for his two turns as "Jim's Dad" in the AMERICAN PIE flicks.

Guest will direct and all four of the writers will act in the film. Guest is quickly becoming somewhat of a comedy auteur. He's recently taken to writing, directing, and starring in his own films with WAITING FOR GUFFMAN (1996) and BEST IN SHOW (2000), both which were co-written by Levy.

These guys are old friends who obviously enjoy working together. Their brand of comedy is so refreshing these days because it doesn't rely on gross out antics. They come from a time when you had to work for a laugh - by developing humorous characters and funny situations that grow out of those characters. Not just by sticking your dick in a pie.

Their comedy is about people - what makes us tick, what makes us human, and above all, what makes us funny. This new project should be no different.

--Edward Butler

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