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Script Report: HOSTAGE

Bruce Willis will reportedly star in the action-thriller Hostage, based on author Robert Crais' novel. Stratus Film Co. picked up the script in turnaround from Revolution Studios. Crais adapted his novel into a screenplay, which Revolution picked up in the fall, just four months before the bow of the Sony-based studio's Willis feature Tears of the Sun, which capped off a string of financial flops for Willis that included MGM's Hart's War and underrated Bandits. This was aparently enough to persuad Revolution to put the project in turnaround. The script has now done a 360 twice, having been originally set up at MGM in 2001 when the studio paid a high-six-figure advance. While the project was set up at Revolution, Paul McGuigan had been attached to direct. Reportedly, Florent Siri is now at the helm.

Hostage reportedly centers on former LAPD hostage negotiator Jeff Talley (Willis), who after a botched job that resulted in the death of a young captive, is forced to retire. Talley withdraws from family and friends. Regaining his confidence, he police chief of a small community when he finds himself in another hostage situation.

(Source: Reuters/Hollywood Reporter)

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