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Stax at IGN Filmforce has some details (spoilers) on the first part of the script for the long-awaited sci-fi teamup Aliens vs. Predator Script. Here's a short summary of what to expect from the film which has been revealed to take place in the present day - "It seems that structures which pre-date the pyramid civilizations of Egypt and the Americas have been discovered far beneath the Antarctic icecap by satellites. So to explore this finding billionaire Weyland assembles a drill team, specialists in Aztec and Egyptian archaeology, and an environmental scientist. Once inside the pyramids, the group discover disturbing remains including piles of human skeletons with holes in the chest (from Alien "chest-bursters"), and fossilized Alien "face huggers", seems that the temple was either built or infested by Aliens in Earth's distant past. The script pages make no mention of the Predator. It seems that he may show up farther along in the movie. Considering the depth that must be drilled to reach the Aliens, the Predator may be a late arrival who uses the humans' own passage to the temple".

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