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Script Report: TOMORROW

TOMORROW (From Dark Horizons): The Roland Emmerich sci-fi flick doesn't open till 2004, but 'Delzo' caught an early look at the script and gives us some juicy spoiler details about some great stuff to watch out for: "Ok to me there's three great ideas in this otherwise mediocre sci-fi script. #1 The Opening: There's a massive sequence where a giant piece of Antarctic Ice breaks off its shelf and the action involves a group of scientists jumping the massive ice crevasse that results from the split - its a spectacular action piece which no other scene in the film can beat. #2 Los Angeles Destroyed. It only lasts a few minutes but one sequence has the CITY OF ANGELS being ripped apart by multiple tornadoes including one tearing right through the heart of Sunset Blvd and a unique joke involving an Angelyne billboard. Finally, #3 The Super Freeze. The big juicy effect which will be awesome to see in this (it happens a few times) is the 'instant freeze' in which air sucked from the upper atmosphere rushes down and freezes everything on the ground (incl. people) in seconds.

(Source: Darh Horizons)

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