Script Report: MAD MAX 4
April 24th, 2002
According to the The Herald Sun, Mel Gibson has admitted he's interested in doing MAD MAX 4, George Miller's upcoming sequel. Gibson was quoted by editor Michael Bodey as saying, "I don't know what I'm meant to say. "George has a big family and he'll come and get me," he laughed. "He put a gag order on me for a long time." But now the cat is out of the bag, Gibson conceded he was familiar with Miller's script but "there's a lot more factors involved than just saying yes". "I mean, I want to, and George wants to, but there's a lot of wrangling and weirdness that I can't even begin to explain in the business world of studio financing." Despite Gibson's two Oscars and swag of blockbuster movies, he admitted his name was no certainty to get any film made. "I sometimes sit there and think, when the hell are they ever going to trust me," he said. "Twenty five years with a few sixes and they still won't trust you."
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