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Greasy Reesey hits the big time.

Reese Witherspoon will get a jaw-dropping eight million dollars to star in a drama set in the world of professional womens tennis.

In true Holllywood fashion, though the film doesn't have a title or director, Intermedia Films is gunning to start production by early May.

Witherspoon would play a former phenom whose intensity led her to lose her composure at the U.S. Open. At age 24 she is considered washed up, and is working as the resident pro at a tennis club teaching rich people to swing a racquet. She then becomes aligned with an Anna Kournikova-type athlete who has beauty and endorsements, but doesn't have the intensity to win major tournaments.

Whoever handed Witherspoon LEGALLY BLONDE should be kissed, cuddled and fondled by her every day and every night. With the surprise hit of that bubble-gum sugar-injection came a meteoric rise to her bankablity. So I guess the reasoning is: with that one hit, which was an underdog that made it, shell now have people coming in droves! So BEST LAID PLANS, OVERNIGHT DELIVERY, the flash-and-gone work in TWILIGHT, FEAR, PLEASANTVILLE -- its all forgotten. I liked Greasy Reesey better when she did cameos in Adam Sandler movies and made flicks like the brilliant ELECTION.

The most damaging is that, with womens tennis never more exciting and fertile, the best someone can come up with is a movie that sounds fit for Jason Biggs.

-- Darwin Mayflower (

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