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Disgusted as Some Exploit Tragedy

As many of you I'm sure did as well yesterday, I sat in front of my t.v. in complete and undeniable shock. It was almost surreal. As writers we sometimes imagine horrible events in order to tell an exciting story. Yesterday we witnessed that indeed, real life is always far more tragic and far more painful than anything we can think of.

But this morning I awake and find that not only are Robber Barons unjustly raising gas prices throughout the country, but some sick-o's are selling items from the disaster on Fireman helmets...and, well, too sickening to continue to type the items.

Not only am I shocked by the individuals who would kill thousands, as well as themselves, but I am equally shocked at the capitalistic minds of those who seek to profit at a time like this.

It is the worst of times my friends...

Christopher Wehner
editor, SU

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