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Script Report: KILLER SPY

Henry Bromell has been hired to rewrite KILLER SPY, the story of CIA agent Aldrich Ames. Director Phil Kaufman is supervising the rewrite. Over the past several years the picture has had some of the top talent in Hollywood rumored to be involved, and is now expected to finally get into production.

"While best known for writing and producing such TV dramas as "Homicide," Bromell is uniquely suited to chronicle the shadowy world of Ames, who sold for $2 million in cash to the KGB the identities of at least 12 double agents who were executed.

KILLER SPY has long been considered a plum project, with previous script drafts done by the NIXON and ALI team of Stephen Rivele and Christopher Wilkinson, and GLADITOR co-writer John Logan also taking a pass. Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Nicolas Cage and Val Kilmer each circled the picture at one time or other."

(Source: Variety)

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