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No End in Sight, WGA Strike Update...

According to the WGA, directors take the possessory credit on about 70% of films. Which is one of many reasons for why it is such a heated topic. As is being reported, the Directors Guild of America (DGA), has declared the writers' possessory credit proposals unacceptable.

In a recent letter to its members, DGA president Jack Shea said, "The Directors Guild will not accept any provision in the WGA's Minimum Basic Agreement that affects what credit a director may take." Shea targeted three WGA proposals as unacceptable: the capping of possessory credit to 10% of films each year; the "grandfathering" of the credit by allowing directors who have already received it to continue to do so; and to allow another 10% of films to receive "a film directed by" credit.

-- Chris

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