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The Independent Filmmaker/Writer - Sundance 2001

While reviewing various online sources today I discovered an interesting quote by Sundance festival co-director Geoffrey Gilmore. When attempting to define what independent film is today, or what characteristic seem to be constant, he came up with a surprising conclusion, "writer-driven pieces." Meaning films that attracted talent and funding because of the screenplay itself. It was surprising only because he actually said it, not because of what he said. The writer is frankly so ignored in independent filmmaking it's sad. It's not very surprising when you consider that the majority of independent films are written and directed by the same person. The director aspect is always talked about first. But that in itself cannot define the category as a whole.

Independent films rely more on the writting than mainstream Hollywood filmmakers for a very simple reason, often the indie companies behind the project cannot afford special effects and name actors to carry a film. It seems to me that "writer-driven" projects are all independent film has ever known, and have always demanded. The writer/director of a good independent film is often heralded as a fine director, and somewhat ignored as a fine screenwriter as well.

For a complete list of the 2001 competition, click here

-- Chris

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