Week In Review, Upcoming Movies, and DVD Reviews.
November 24th, 2000
As the year draws to an end I think it's a good time to talk about the best writing of 2000. Who separated themselves from the pack this year? One thing is certain, I think it's been a bad year. Very few movies have really distinguished themselves, and with ERIN BROCKOVICH and GLADIATOR as the top best-picture hopefuls right now, I can't help but wonder whether voters should recognize such obviously commercial films. Both were good films, and I have to say GLADIATOR was one of my favorites, but best picture? I dont know.
We've come to a point now where the idea of what a Best Picture is may have to be redefined. Just because a film made a lot of money and is defined as commercial does not make it unworthy of such an award, I'll admit. Yet, a Best Picture film should accomplish so much more than just making money. What happen to art? How it does in the Box Office, as many would disagree, is a factor I feel, despite art. How can any movie that does poorly be considered? THE SHAWSHANK REPEDMPTION though not a strong Box Office film, was highly regarded and nominated. The film was not big, but made money. That's important
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We've come to a point now where the idea of what a Best Picture is may have to be redefined. Just because a film made a lot of money and is defined as commercial does not make it unworthy of such an award, I'll admit. Yet, a Best Picture film should accomplish so much more than just making money. What happen to art? How it does in the Box Office, as many would disagree, is a factor I feel, despite art. How can any movie that does poorly be considered? THE SHAWSHANK REPEDMPTION though not a strong Box Office film, was highly regarded and nominated. The film was not big, but made money. That's important
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