THE MATRIX Producer Considers WESTWORLD Remake
September 8th, 2000
Producer Joel Silver's credits have included practically every action flick worth seeing in the last 15 years: PREDATOR, DIE HARD, LETHAL WEAPON, ASSASSIANS, THE MATRIX, and many more. He is clearly one of the top producers swimming in the fish bowl.
In today's Variety it was reported that Joel Silver is seriously considering doing a remake of Michael Crichton's 1973 classic WESTWORLD.
To get things rolling, Silver has hired screenwriter Richard D'Ovidio (EXIT WOUNDS) to write the remake. Reportedly is was D'Ovidio who has been the driving force behind Silver's interest in the project.
It has also been reported that Silver has discussed the remake with Crichton, and the two have been working on a new direction for the remake. But what, if any, involvement Crichton will have is not yet known.
The story line will remain true to the original. It's being reported that it may include a little 'modernization' and the robots will be much cooler of course!
This is very cool news in my opinion. I'm a big fan of the original WESTWORLD and a remake with Silver calling the shots should be great.
-- Chris
(Source: Variety)
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