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by: Don Vasicek (credits: Warriors of Virtue, The Crown)

The query letter is a marketing tool that can get your script read and you recognized in the highly competitive world of Hollywood. Condensing your 100-plus page script down to a one-page letter exhibits your ability about how good of a writer you are. To have the skill to write a compelling query letter defines who you are as a writer. It must be written just as creatively and professionally as you write your script.

If you are unable to attract readers to your script through your query letter, it is unlikely you will be able to attract anyone to your script. When you are on the firing line in the film business, there isnt any room for inability to write creatively and succinctly. Either you are able too or you are not able too. And it can no better be illustrated than in your query letter.

So, how do you write a query letter that is irresistible to readers that will impel them to want to read your script? You have to achieve two goals. One, hook readers and reel them through the letter. Two, make the letter so compelling that readers will want to read your script.

Suppose we examine the query letter below. With different content, it was sent to thirty producers, agents and production companies. Twenty-six of them called and requested the script.

Please subscribe to our GLOBAL LITERARY MARKET for the rest of this document as well step-by-step instruction on how to sell your script and start career in screenwriting.

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