Opening Scene: THE HURT LOCKER
January 25th, 2014
by SU Admin
Remember your first ten pages are crucial if you want to grab and hold the reader's attention. Also, how you introduce the dramatic situation and your characters sets the tone of the movie and communicates a lot to your reader. With that in mind lets look at the opening sequence for THE HURT LOCKER. We'll just give a sample and here's the link for the script. THE HURT LOCKER right away gets us into the action, sets the tone, and establishes the dramatic situation. The "Hurt Locker" as a name will symbolize many things in the story, but with the opening it's for us to interpret the nature of being an IED specialist,what wearing "the Suit" and putting your life on the line truly means. The script is by Mark Boall and of course won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay in 2009.
BLACK SCREEN Over the BUZZING sound of an electric engine we-- CUT TO: EXT STREET/DAWN A grainy, low-resolution view, seen from sixteen inches above street level. And we’re moving fast -- nauseatingly fast. From this angle close to the ground we FLY down a road strewn with war garbage: munitions, trash, rubber, animal shit -- all of which, from this odd, jarring perspective, looks gigantic, monstrous. We zoom towards a crumpled COKE CAN, the white ‘C’ growing enormous on the screen, filling the screen like a skyscraper. We SMASH into the can and barrel ahead. A RAG flutters, blocks the view, then tumbles away, as we -- -- zoom downhill, see nothing but gray sand, then zoom back up hill and off, catching air, a flash of the horizon line, BRIGHT SUN, and land hard on a packed road. We close in on one particular pile of trash, which is topped with a white plastic garbage bag, and stop. Puffs of dust and fluttering plastic. We glide across the fluttering plastic. Flies buzzing. Advancing slowly, inch by inch, to the edge for our first glimpse inside the bag: A RUSTY ARTILLERY SHELL. CUT TO:
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